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Conference & Events Announcement

Due to lack of capacity on the LLS organising committee and venue costs, there will unfortunately be no in-person conference in summer 2024. However, we are pleased to announce that a short international online event is currently being planned for autumn 2024. We will make an announcement about this event very soon! Watch this space.

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Literary London conference 2023 – Registration open!

Registration is now open for the Literary London Conference – ‘Fashioning London: Streets, Styles and Storytelling.’ We’re looking forward to welcoming conference delegates to Northeastern University London on 6–7 July!

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Literary London Reading Group – Call for Volunteers

The convenors of the Literary London Reading Group wish to recruit two graduate co-organisers for the academic year 2021/2022 to work alongside our current team. Responsibilities shared between co-organisers include: Inviting speakers Chairing reading group sessions Liaising with the IES and Literary London Society Promotion via social media and email Updating the LLRG website These positions are open to graduate research students or early career researchers whose research and/or teaching significantly engages with London and its literary heritage. Interested candidates should forward a short statement of interest (approx. 200 words) to by 31 May 2021. The Literary London Reading Group is part…

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Call for Papers: Discovery: 42nd Annual Virtual Conference, Nineteenth-Century Studies Association (March 11-13, 2021)

DISCOVERY The 42nd Annual Virtual Conference Nineteenth-Century Studies Association March 11-13, 2021 Proposal Deadline: October 31, 2020 Website: NCSA invites proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and special sessions that explore our theme of Discovery in the long nineteenth century (1789-1914). As an interdisciplinary organization, we particularly seek papers by scholars working in art/architecture/visual studies, cultural studies, economics, gender and sexuality, history (including history of the book), language and literature, law and politics, musicology, philosophy, and science (and the history of science). In light of the many changes in pedagogy, research, and the exchange of ideas we have all experienced this…

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Publication Announcement: Fairy Tales of London: British Urban Fantasy, 1840 to the Present – Hadas Elber-Aviram (February 2021)

Fairy Tales of London: British Urban Fantasy, 1840 to the Present by Hadas Elber-Aviram (Bloomsbury, February 2021) Hadas Elber-Aviram’s monograph, Fairy Tales of London: British Urban Fantasy, 1840 to the Present, argues for a coherent tradition of London-based urban fantasies spanning from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. The book charts the development of fantastical London literature across the fictions of Charles Dickens, H. G. Wells, George Orwell, Mervyn Peake, and China Miéville, examining their fascination with the materiality of the city, their belief in the fantasy genre as an idiom that can affect social change, and their conviction that for good or…

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