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Notes on Contributors

Steven Barfield

Steven Barfield is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Westminster. His recent publications include: ‘Beckett and Heidegger: A Critical Survey’ in Richard Lane, (ed.) Beckett and Philosophy (London: Palgrave, 2002); (with Philip Tew), ‘Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Parody: Exceedingly Beckett’, in Samuel Beckett Today /Aujourd’hui, Vol. 12 (2002). ‘The Resources of Unrepresentability: A Lacanian Glimpse of Beckett’s Three Dialogues’ in Vol. 13 of the same (2003). ‘Dark Matters: On the Controversy Surrounding Michael Frayn’s Copenhagen in the USA’ Archipelago: An International Journal of Literature, The Arts and Opinion. He co-organised a conference on Beckett and Modern Theatre in January 2002, of which selected proceedings will be published as part of Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui Vol 13 and a separate co-edited volume is also under consideration, as is a co-edited collection on Contemporary British Theatre Companies. He has been appointed to a Smithsonian Research Fellowship for December 2004.
Robert Bond

Robert Bond is an independent researcher based in London. His doctoral thesis (Cambridge 2002) is the first full-length study of the work of Iain Sinclair, and his book Iain Sinclair (2005) is appearing from Salt Publishing. He is the author of numerous articles on Sinclair¹s work, which include essays on Suicide Bridge, Rodinsky¹s Room and London Orbital for the online Literary Encyclopaedia, and ‘Speculating Histories: Walter Benjamin, Iain Sinclair’ for Historical Materialism (forthcoming). His current book-length project is titled Star-Cult City: Wyndham Lewis, Iain Sinclair and the Persistence of Vorticism.
Chu-chueh Cheng

Chu-chueh Cheng earned her doctoral degree in English Literature from Texas Christian University in the year of 2000. She is currently an Associate Professor of English at National Chung-Hsing University in Taiwan. Her publications include journal articles on Shakespearean comedy and Victorian novels.
Stefania Ciocia

Stefania Ciocia is a part-time teacher for the School of English at the University of Kent, where she was awarded her Ph.D. in 2004 with a doctoral thesis on romance and postmodernism. Her research interests include contemporary literature in English, women’s writing and genre theory. She is currently working on a monograph entitled Beyond the Crisis of the American Myth: Tim O’Brien and the Ethics of Storytelling.
Susan Alice Fischer

Susan Alice Fischer is Associate Professor of English at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York. She is Associate Editor of the journal, Changing English: Studies in Reading and Culture, published by Taylor & Francis in the UK. Her recently published work includes essays on women’s London novels and Rodinsky’s Room. She is working on a book about contemporary women writing about London. She received her PhD at the University of London Institute of Education and her first degree at the Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italy).
Simon Grimble

Simon Grimble of the University of Cambridge is the author of Landscape, Writing and ‘the Condition of England’: Ruskin to Modernism (2004) and edited the volume on John Ruskin in Pickering & Chatto’s series of Lives of Victorian Literary Figures (2005).
Eleni Loukopoulou

Eleni Loukopoulou has studied at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and at London where she completed the MA Modern Literatures in English at Birkbeck College. Currently she is researching political institutions in James Joyce’s work.
Céline Magot

Céline Magot is a post-graduate student and a teaching assistant in the English Department of the University of Toulouse – Le Mirail (France). She is currently writing a PhD about places and space in the novels of Elizabeth Bowen.
Paul Newland

Paul Newland is a PhD student in the School of English at the University of Exeter, where he also teaches. His thesis is a study of representations of London’s East End. He is also working on the films of Patrick Keiller and Jonathan Raban, and the collaboration between the director Joseph Losey and Harold Pinter.
Lawrence Phillips

Lawrence Phillips is lecturer in English and programme leader BA English at Liverpool Hope University. He is the editor of the peer-reviewed academic e-journal ‘Literary London: Interdisciplinary studies in the representation of London’ (, academic director of the annual international conference of the same name, and secretary of the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies. His most recent publication is an edited collection entitled The Swarming Streets: Twentieth-Century Literary Representations of London (Rodopi, 2004). He is currently working on a book for Continuum entitled Re-Writing London: Post-war and Contemporary Representations of the City which will be published in 2007, and a further edited collection entitled A Mighty Mass of Brick and Smoke: Nineteenth-Century Representations of London (forthcoming 2006).
Tiffany Aimee Tsao

Tiffany Tsao is pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of California, Berkeley, where she plans to specialise in postcolonial literature. Of particular interest to her are the works of transnational writers and Southeast Asian literature. She has also recently embarked on an exploration of entomology and the insect in literature.