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Paper Proposals


To submit a proposal for a paper to be delivered at the Literary London conference, please fill out the form below, making sure that your abstract is no more than 500 words in length. You can compose your abstract in another application (such as Microsoft Word) and paste it into the box below. Please enter your title, name, and institutional affiliation as you would like them to appear on your name badge and on the conference program. The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory. When you have completed the form, click ‘Submit Proposal’. You will then be taken to a confirmation page. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 30 March 2020.

1. Your Personal Details


First Name (required)


Last Name (required)

Affiliation (required)

2. Your Contact Information

Address 1 (required)

Address 2

Town or City (required)

County, State, Province, Region

Postal or Zip Code (required)

Country (required)

Your Email (required)

Confirm Email (required)

3. Title and Abstract of Your Paper

Paper Title (required)

Your Paper Proposal (required)

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